

Portrait of Dr. Andrew Taylor Still
Founder of osteopathy and osteopathic medicine
1828 – 1917

modelled by Martine Grosbusch in 2017

Limited series of 17 portraits in bronze
commissioned by Jo Buekens, D.O. MSc

“The hands of osteopaths and modelling sculptors have something in common. They explore, feel, press, push ….and induce changes. They are intelligent tools, fascinating extensions of our mind. In this sense my artistic activity connects with Andrew Taylor Still’s scientific work on the human body.

The creative process is comparable to a journey.

Interested by Still’s personality and his different faces, I first passed through stages of careful analysis of lines, shapes and structure.
Through observing, discovering and empathising with my model,
I tried to capture his very own expression – his inner being.
We spend quite some time together! While modelling in clay and reading Still’s biography, he got very familiar to me. Something in his face reminded me of my grandfather (a chemist), his faith and his time-bound rigour, and of my father (an artist , agronomist and amateur cabin builder), his charisma, his passions, his empathy and his ability to think laterally.
Through this dialogue with the portrait of A.T.Still, I connected emotionally with this remarkable and honourable man. What did these eyes see? What did these ears hear? How did he communicate with the Natives? Reading about his misfortunes touched me.
I wondered how I could express his kindness, passion, rigorousness and his strong will.
I wanted his look to appear clear and absorbed by time.
After all, the waggish and grinning expression of his mouth, the smile lines around his eyes and the pose of his head make Andrew T. Still a gentle, cheerful and proud person. However, his impressive forehead with sorrowful falling lines, the deep lying eyes and the loose shirt collar, bear witness of more tragic experiences and of a humble lifestyle.
Andrew Taylor Still had a long life with many challenges.
This artistic interpretation is like a synthesis of his different faces.
My portrait is a homage to this outstanding researcher.

Martine Grosbusch


Dancers and acrobats
Narrative figures inspired from tales and legends.
Bronze bells for children

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